Property Sales tips

Have you accepted the offer from the potential buyer?  Then the sale is almost a fact. This is still waiting for you. How do you ensure a hassle-free settlement of the sale of your house?

Take advantage of these questions and answers.

This is how you ensure that your home is ready for viewing:

– A neat entrance; this is the first thing the people of your house see and it sets (unknowingly) the tone for the rest of the viewing.
– Create light in your house, open all curtains.
– Clean up the entire house, from the hall to the bathrooms and kitchen. Make sure that every space is shown to its best advantage and store as many personal items as possible.
– Clean your house.

GamRealty selling property in Gambia

A picture tells more than words.

It is better not to be present at the viewing, so a buyer feels free to look everywhere and share his or her opinion. If there is a lot of interest in your house, you can also organize an open house yourself, regardless of the national version.

How is the negotiation process going for sellers?

As soon as you have given a counteroffer on the opening bid of a potential buyer, the negotiations have officially started. You can get out within a day, but it can also take a week or more. It not only has to do with the amount of the purchase price, but also with the conditions that are set by you or the buyer. Various scenarios can occur, including:

  • The asking price is offered. This does not mean that you must also sell the property to him. You determine as a seller.
  • The potential buyer stops the negotiations. This is permitted and also applies to you as a seller.
  • The offer is very good, but the conditions are not. You have to consider what works best in your situation and what is (financially) possible. The sales agent can advise you on this.
  • You will receive an offer from another interested party during the negotiations. You can immediately stop negotiations with the first bidder and continue with the second party, you can ask bidder one for a final bid or you can ask both bidder one and bidder two for a final bid and choose the best party.

What does the reporting obligation for sellers entail?

Every seller has a reporting obligation, which means that you share all defects (visible and invisible) with a future owner. Through the questionnaire that you get from the sales agent, you can make clear what the properties of the house are. Are you not honest about this and does a defect come up after the key transfer? Then there is a hidden defect and you can be held liable for the damage suffered.

What does the deed of sale say about my rights as a seller?

As long as no signatures have been placed under a purchase deed, you and the buyer can still cancel the purchase. Once you have placed your signature, you cannot withdraw. Can the buyer not fulfil his obligations? Then as a seller, you can claim the deposit made.

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